We are happy to announce the second regional campaign called MOVEIT4SOS with a simple purpose, raising funds for children without parental care and children in need that are supported by SOS Children Villages Bosnia and Herzegovina while engaging employees from companies to contribute to a better environment by reducing CO2 emissions. 

What do we create together?

Improving employees‘ health through walking, running and cycling activities, motivating them to create a healthy balance between private and business time.
Companies are donating for every green kilometer of their employees, so we ensure healthy growth and development in a family environment and a happy upbringing for children without parental care.
We create a positive impact on the environment through the direct reduction of CO2 emissions. We influence the air we breathe to be healthier. We pledge for the future of our children.
We strengthen team spirit and community through an integrated approach to Corporate Social Responsibility that includes care for employees, the most vulnerable in the community, and the environment.

United we are contributing to a better and more sustainable future.


IT Companies - Supporters

6 IT Companies - Supporters

km total

48527.17 km total

kg saved CO2 emission

12617.06 kg saved CO2 emission


51 employees


3346.5kg saved CO2 emission

45 employees


3101kg saved CO2 emission

41 employees


1889.89kg saved CO2 emission

24 employees


1732.3kg saved CO2 emission

47 employees


2313.89kg saved CO2 emission

5 employees


241.86kg saved CO2 emission

How can IT companies join the project?

With good will, open heart and wish to help and support the most vulnerable.

How do the employees of the companies start participating?

1. They need to download the app Challenger on their phones.
2. They need to register with their company email.
3. Challenger registers every kilometer with the help of existing services: GoogleFit, Apple Health and Strava. The user would need to turn on Strava before they start using the bicycle. For all other activities Challenger will register on the back end, so there is no need to do anything else.

Our goal is to raise 76.000 KM to support the annual Family House Budgets for 2 SOS Families, one in Sarajevo and one in Gračanica.