We are excited to announce the third campaign MOVEIT4SOS, with a simple yet impactful purpose. By participating in the campaign your company can significantly contribute to the well-being of individuals, society, and the environment, aligning with your ESG objectives. The campaign’s purpose is to raise funds for children without parental care and in need who are supported by SOS Children Villages in Bosnia and Herzegovina while engaging employees from companies by walking, running or cycling to contribute to a better environment by reducing CO2 emissions.


IT Companies - Supporters

1 IT Companies - Supporters

km with bicycle

387.66 km with bicycle

km on foot

21576.12 km on foot

km total

21963.78 km total

kg saved CO2 emission

5710.58 kg saved CO2 emission


67 employees


5710.58kg saved CO2 emission

How can IT companies join the project?

With good will, open heart and wish to help and support the most vulnerable.

Why choose cur campaign – Key benefits

Health and Well-being

Encourages regular physical activity and healthy habits among employees and reduces the health risks associated with sedentary work environments.

Social Impact

Empower employees to engage in community service and support vulnerable populations. Enhances the sense of purpose and fulfillment by contributing to social causes. We strengthen team spirit and community through an integrated approach to CSR.

Environmental Sustainability

Implements practices that lead to a reduction in CO2 emissions. Fosters an eco-friendly mindset
within the workplace.
Together we can build a healthier, more compassionate, and sustainable future.

How do the employees of the companies start participating?

1. They need to download the app Challenger on their phones.
2. They need to register with their company email.
3. Challenger registers every kilometer with the help of existing services: GoogleFit, Apple Health and Strava. The user would need to turn on Strava before they start using the bicycle. For all other activities Challenger will register on the back end, so there is no need to do anything else.

We aim to travel 76,000 kilometers and thus reduce CO2 emissions by 1977t and raise 76.000 KM to cover living expenses for 2 SOS families in Sarajevo and Gračanica.